My name is Cheng and I am a jewelry seller. My product is a custom photo bracelet. Which engraved the customer's photo on the bracelet. I love my job because it allows me to be creative and help people celebrate their memories.
I have been selling these bracelets for years now, and I have had some amazing stories come from them. One of my favorite stories is about a woman named Jennie. Jennie was celebrating her daughter's high school graduation, and she wanted to find a special way to commemorate the occasion. She came to me with a picture of her daughter as a baby and asked if I could engrave it on a bracelet for her.
When Jennie got the finished product, she couldn't stop smiling. She told me that she would never forget this momentous occasion, and that wearing the bracelet would remind her of how far her daughter had come. It was such an honor to be able to help Jennie capture this moment in time!

We devote our love and passion to every photo we got from the customer
we treat every picture extremely carefully cause we know those people or pets in the picture are the most careful thing they have.
we don't allow ourselves to make any mistake to destroy the trust we got in the customer.

Every bracelet is braided by ourselves
We braid the bracelet by ourselves so that we can feel how the customer feel when they put on the bracelet
each bracelet takes at least 10 minutes so that we can make sure every braided bracelet will fit nicely on the customer's wrists